Shawn Mauche

Shawn Mauche Email and Phone Number

albany, new york, united states

Shawn Mauche's Contact Details

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Shawn Mauche's Current Company Details

Staff Ciampino & Company P.C. - Certified Public Accountants

Tax Manager
albany, new york, united states
Specialist in technology & manufacturing companies. Assisting both inbound foreigners and expatriate US taxpayers living abroad. Considerable experience handling multi-state franchise tax returns and consolidated US corporate reporting, tax examinations, and research for income and sales tax issues requiring sophistication and precision.

Shawn Mauche Work Experience

Shawn Mauche Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shawn Mauche

What company does Shawn Mauche work for?

Shawn Mauche works for Staff Ciampino & Company P.c. - Certified Public Accountants

What is Shawn Mauche's role in his/her workplace?

Shawn Mauche's role in his/her workplace is Tax Manager.

Which industry does Shawn Mauche work in currently?

Shawn Mauche works in the industry Accounting.

What is Shawn Mauche's email address?

Shawn Mauche's email address is

What schools did Shawn Mauche attend?

Shawn Mauche attended University At Albany, Suny.

What is Shawn Mauche's role in his workplace?

Shawn Mauche has skills like Income Tax, Tax Research, Tax, Accounting, Cpa, Mergers And Acquisitions, Corporate Tax, Tax Preparation, Small Business, and Sales Tax.

Who are Shawn Mauche's colleagues?

Shawn Mauche's colleagues are Robert Baker, Robert Baker, Daniel Ciampino, Daniel Ciampino, Neil Goca, Neil Goca, Jami Olsen, Jami Olsen, and Alicia Bousa. and Mark Davin.

Who are Shawn Mauche's peers at other companies?

Shawn Mauche's peers at other companies are Mitesh Modi, Nallil Mejía, Sumit Patil, Blair Motl, Holly Belanger, and Kimberly Hollencamp. and Achinta Sarkar. Shawn Mauche's peers at other companies are Mitesh Modi, Nallil Mejía, Sumit Patil, Blair Motl, Holly Belanger, and Kimberly Hollencamp. and Achinta Sarkar.