Sharlene Tengler

Sharlene Tengler Email and Phone Number

Owner @ Metallon Inc
thomaston, connecticut, united states

Sharlene Tengler's Contact Details

Sharlene Tengler work email

Sharlene Tengler personal email


Sharlene Tengler phone numbers

Sharlene Tengler's Current Company Details

Metallon Inc

thomaston, connecticut, united states

Sharlene Tengler Work Experience

    Thomaston, Connecticut, United States
    Manufactures precision metal stampings and assemblies to customers' requirements. Most stampings are run in progressive tooling and in the following metals: Steel, aluminum, stainless, copper & brass. Presses up to 150-tons. Assist with product development. TS-16949-2009 and ISO 9001;2008 certified.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sharlene Tengler

What company does Sharlene Tengler work for?

Sharlene Tengler works for Metallon Inc

What is Sharlene Tengler's role in his/her workplace?

Sharlene Tengler's role in his/her workplace is Owner.

Which industry does Sharlene Tengler work in currently?

Sharlene Tengler works in the industry Automotive.

What is Sharlene Tengler's email address?

Sharlene Tengler's email address is

What is Sharlene Tengler's direct phone number?

Sharlene Tengler's direct phone number is +15624330647

What are some of Sharlene Tengler's interests?

Sharlene Tengler has interest in Watching Sports, Watching Sports. Cooking, Cooking. Exercise, Exercise. Investing, Investing. Traveling, Traveling. Outdoors, Outdoors. Television, Television. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Electronics, Electronics. Reading, Reading. Crafts, Crafts. Music, Music. Sports, Sports. Dogs, Dogs. Woodwork, Woodwork. Travel, Travel. Movies, Movies. and Home Decoration.

Who are Sharlene Tengler's peers at other companies?

Sharlene Tengler's peers at other companies are Sandra Ramos, Mustapha Lahdaoui, Kibi Sebotja, Gisleide De Alves, Satish Sanap, and Bhupinder Saini. and Ioana Rus. Sharlene Tengler's peers at other companies are Sandra Ramos, Mustapha Lahdaoui, Kibi Sebotja, Gisleide De Alves, Satish Sanap, and Bhupinder Saini. and Ioana Rus.