Sharie Avila

Sharie Avila Email and Phone Number

brooklyn, new york, united states

Sharie Avila's Current Company Details


brooklyn, new york, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Sharie Avila Work Experience

    Emergency Medical Technician
    Transcare 2009 - 2012 · 3 yrs
    Brooklyn, New York, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sharie Avila

What company does Sharie Avila work for?

Sharie Avila works for Transcare

Which industry does Sharie Avila work in currently?

Sharie Avila works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Sharie Avila's colleagues?

Sharie Avila's colleagues are John Dixon, John Dixon, Brittney Fegans, Brittney Fegans, Mary Moakley, Mary Moakley, Sherry White, Sherry White, Jeanette Adams, Jeanette Adams, and Yelena Serbinenko. and Douglas Key.

Who are Sharie Avila's peers at other companies?

Sharie Avila's peers at other companies are Brittni Westbrook, Will Hobart, Carolyn Clark, Mary Kroon, Leanne Cruz, and Mohammad Mansoori. and Ian Bedingfield. Sharie Avila's peers at other companies are Brittni Westbrook, Will Hobart, Carolyn Clark, Mary Kroon, Leanne Cruz, and Mohammad Mansoori. and Ian Bedingfield.