Shalvi Thakkar

Shalvi Thakkar Email and Phone Number

Operational Buyer @ Hellofresh
berlin, berlin, germany

Shalvi Thakkar's Contact Details

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Shalvi Thakkar's Current Company Details


Operational Buyer
berlin, berlin, germany
Consumer Services
Working as a shipping coordinator with a Post graduate diploma focused in Supply Chain Management from Humber College and Human Resources Management from Centennial College looking to provide the best outcome to the company with my skills and competencies.

Shalvi Thakkar Work Experience

Shalvi Thakkar Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shalvi Thakkar

What company does Shalvi Thakkar work for?

Shalvi Thakkar works for Hellofresh

What is Shalvi Thakkar's role in his/her workplace?

Shalvi Thakkar's role in his/her workplace is Operational Buyer.

Which industry does Shalvi Thakkar work in currently?

Shalvi Thakkar works in the industry Consumer Services.

What is Shalvi Thakkar's email address?

Shalvi Thakkar's email address is

What is Shalvi Thakkar's direct phone number?

Shalvi Thakkar's direct phone number is +19057069995

What schools did Shalvi Thakkar attend?

Shalvi Thakkar attended A.g. High School, India, A.g. High School, India. Lj Institute Of Business Administration, Lj Institute Of Business Administration. Corporación Universitaria De La Costa, Corporación Universitaria De La Costa. and Centennial College School Of Business.

What is Shalvi Thakkar's role in his workplace?

Shalvi Thakkar has skills like Customer Service, Teamwork, Management, Time Management, Team Leadership, and Event Planning.

Who are Shalvi Thakkar's colleagues?

Shalvi Thakkar's colleagues are Firmino Alves, Firmino Alves, Christina Bendle, Christina Bendle, Gayatri Karandikar, Gayatri Karandikar, Irene Sarcos, Irene Sarcos, Ruth Ogendi, Ruth Ogendi, and Felix Luber. and Mathilde Vannier.

Who are Shalvi Thakkar's peers at other companies?

Shalvi Thakkar's peers at other companies are Samuel Welch, James Young, Cynthia Velasco, Susan Harrison, Mariana De Leon, and Zeynep Yılmaz. and Alexandr Topyryk. Shalvi Thakkar's peers at other companies are Samuel Welch, James Young, Cynthia Velasco, Susan Harrison, Mariana De Leon, and Zeynep Yılmaz. and Alexandr Topyryk.