Shadul Shaikh

Shadul Shaikh Email and Phone Number

Consultant @ Motorola
chicago, illinois, united states

Shadul Shaikh's Contact Details

Shadul Shaikh personal email

Shadul Shaikh's Current Company Details


chicago, illinois, united states
Consumer Electronics

Shadul Shaikh Work Experience

    Motorola Jun 08 - Present · 16 yrs 8 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Consultant at Motorola India Pvt Ltd

Shadul Shaikh Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shadul Shaikh

What company does Shadul Shaikh work for?

Shadul Shaikh works for Motorola

What is Shadul Shaikh's role in his/her workplace?

Shadul Shaikh's role in his/her workplace is Consultant.

Which industry does Shadul Shaikh work in currently?

Shadul Shaikh works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

What is Shadul Shaikh's email address?

Shadul Shaikh's email address is

What schools did Shadul Shaikh attend?

Shadul Shaikh attended Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.

Who are Shadul Shaikh's colleagues?

Shadul Shaikh's colleagues are Ebenz Fils, Ebenz Fils, Fred Yoo, Fred Yoo, Jl Vanhie, Jl Vanhie, Lun Yu, Lun Yu, Dennis Li, Dennis Li, and William Oliveira. and Kathleen T.

Who are Shadul Shaikh's peers at other companies?

Shadul Shaikh's peers at other companies are Ronaldo Parpinelli, Vui Hong, Sander Luik, Sandra Koelzer, Karrar Haider, and Jamil Bonnick. and Gustavo Ardito. Shadul Shaikh's peers at other companies are Ronaldo Parpinelli, Vui Hong, Sander Luik, Sandra Koelzer, Karrar Haider, and Jamil Bonnick. and Gustavo Ardito.