Serita Murphy

Serita Murphy Email and Phone Number

united states

Serita Murphy's Contact Details

Serita Murphy personal email


Serita Murphy phone numbers

Serita Murphy's Current Company Details

Defense Security Service

united states
Government Administration

Serita Murphy Work Experience

    Customer Service Representative
    Innotrac Aug 96 - Nov 98 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Johns Creek, Georgia, United States
    provided professional service to pacific bell's customers by way of: technical support for telephone & call-Id..billing issues and sales..
    Defense Security Service Apr 99 - Present · 25 yrs 10 mos
    United States
    Filing, Eligibility Technician, advocate, case management....

Serita Murphy Education

    Devry Institute Of Technology, Decatur
    1996 - 1998
    Union High School Clinton, Nc
    1989 - 1993

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Frequently Asked Questions about Serita Murphy

What company does Serita Murphy work for?

Serita Murphy works for Defense Security Service

What is Serita Murphy's role in his/her workplace?

Serita Murphy's role in his/her workplace is Caseworker.

Which industry does Serita Murphy work in currently?

Serita Murphy works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Serita Murphy's email address?

Serita Murphy's email address is

What is Serita Murphy's direct phone number?

Serita Murphy's direct phone number is +19109900775

What schools did Serita Murphy attend?

Serita Murphy attended Devry Institute Of Technology, Decatur, Devry Institute Of Technology, Decatur. and Union High School Clinton, Nc.

What is Serita Murphy's role in his workplace?

Serita Murphy has skills like Event Planning, Cooking, Singing, and Transportation.

Who are Serita Murphy's colleagues?

Serita Murphy's colleagues are Sfpc Ehren M. Thompson, Sfpc Ehren M. Thompson, Jitendra Kumar, Jitendra Kumar, Chichernea Oligia, Chichernea Oligia, Michelle Ramsey, Michelle Ramsey, Debbie Bedsole, Debbie Bedsole, and Kang Kim. and Joshua Ellison.

Who are Serita Murphy's peers at other companies?

Serita Murphy's peers at other companies are Kim Cook, Anna Lindborg, Sonja Christensen, Mala Morjaria, Jon Birkmose, and Marilou Desnoyers. and Josecito Medrano. Serita Murphy's peers at other companies are Kim Cook, Anna Lindborg, Sonja Christensen, Mala Morjaria, Jon Birkmose, and Marilou Desnoyers. and Josecito Medrano.