Sergio Chimeno

Sergio Chimeno Email and Phone Number

Consultor Business @ Everis
comunidad de madrid, madrid, spain

Sergio Chimeno's Current Company Details


Consultor Business
comunidad de madrid, madrid, spain
Management Consulting

Sergio Chimeno Work Experience

Sergio Chimeno Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sergio Chimeno

What company does Sergio Chimeno work for?

Sergio Chimeno works for Everis

What is Sergio Chimeno's role in his/her workplace?

Sergio Chimeno's role in his/her workplace is Consultor Business.

Which industry does Sergio Chimeno work in currently?

Sergio Chimeno works in the industry Management Consulting.

What schools did Sergio Chimeno attend?

Sergio Chimeno attended Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

What are some of Sergio Chimeno's interests?

Sergio Chimeno has interests in Ingeniería Del Software, Ingeniería Del Software. Nuevas Tecnologías, Nuevas Tecnologías. and Bussines Intelligence.

Who are Sergio Chimeno's colleagues?

Sergio Chimeno's colleagues are Gilles Guévremont, Gilles Guévremont, Cristina Cabeza, Cristina Cabeza, Keny Bustillos, Keny Bustillos, Weber Nobre, Weber Nobre, Amanda Gonçalves, Amanda Gonçalves, and Javier Mulet. and Francisco Garcia.

Who are Sergio Chimeno's peers at other companies?

Sergio Chimeno's peers at other companies are Vadi Vijayender, Katherine Franklin, Stuart Davies, Jean-Nicolas Marciel, Scott Koth, and Débora Kirst. and Syed Shah. Sergio Chimeno's peers at other companies are Vadi Vijayender, Katherine Franklin, Stuart Davies, Jean-Nicolas Marciel, Scott Koth, and Débora Kirst. and Syed Shah.