Serena Locatelli

Serena Locatelli Email and Phone Number

Tax Manager @ Pwc
new york, new york, united states

Serena Locatelli's Contact Details

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Serena Locatelli's Current Company Details


Tax Manager
new york, new york, united states
Competenze in ambito contabile e fiscale

Serena Locatelli Work Experience

    Tax And Accounting Advisor
    Studio Burigana Jan 09 - Dec 11 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    Tax Manager
    Pwc Jan 12 - Present · 13 yrs 1 mo
    New York, New York, United States

Serena Locatelli Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Serena Locatelli

What company does Serena Locatelli work for?

Serena Locatelli works for Pwc

What is Serena Locatelli's role in his/her workplace?

Serena Locatelli's role in his/her workplace is Tax Manager.

Which industry does Serena Locatelli work in currently?

Serena Locatelli works in the industry Accounting.

What is Serena Locatelli's email address?

Serena Locatelli's email address is

What schools did Serena Locatelli attend?

Serena Locatelli attended 24ore Business School, 24ore Business School. Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre. and Università Degli Studi Roma Tre.

What is Serena Locatelli's role in his workplace?

Serena Locatelli has skills like Accounting, Tax, Due Diligence, Corporate Tax, Vat, M&a Tax, and Tax Structuring.

Who are Serena Locatelli's colleagues?

Serena Locatelli's colleagues are Ayrton Vieira, Ayrton Vieira, Nick Eusanio, Nick Eusanio, Sharon Kim, Sharon Kim, Caroline Palau, Caroline Palau, Farron Silverman, Farron Silverman, and Yin Lai. and Carlos Del Cubo.

Who are Serena Locatelli's peers at other companies?

Serena Locatelli's peers at other companies are Blair Motl, Sumit Patil, Achinta Sarkar, Mitesh Modi, Anuj Patni, and Kássia Ferreira. and Holly Belanger. Serena Locatelli's peers at other companies are Blair Motl, Sumit Patil, Achinta Sarkar, Mitesh Modi, Anuj Patni, and Kássia Ferreira. and Holly Belanger.