Sebastian Sandberg

Sebastian Sandberg Email and Phone Number

International Sales @ Inrego
täby, stockholm, sweden

Sebastian Sandberg's Current Company Details


International Sales
täby, stockholm, sweden
Information Technology And Services

Sebastian Sandberg Work Experience

    International Sales
    Täby, Stockholm, Sweden

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sebastian Sandberg

What company does Sebastian Sandberg work for?

Sebastian Sandberg works for Inrego

What is Sebastian Sandberg's role in his/her workplace?

Sebastian Sandberg's role in his/her workplace is International Sales.

Which industry does Sebastian Sandberg work in currently?

Sebastian Sandberg works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

Who are Sebastian Sandberg's colleagues?

Sebastian Sandberg's colleagues are Bjorn Pehrson, Bjorn Pehrson, Daniel Bonde, Daniel Bonde, Didric Blomqvist, Didric Blomqvist, Henrik Långmark, Henrik Långmark, Jimmy Holmgren, Jimmy Holmgren, and Anna S. and Katarina Magnusson.

Who are Sebastian Sandberg's peers at other companies?

Sebastian Sandberg's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Talita Travassos, Joanne Chung, Anwar Yusuf, Björkvall Yngve, and Dinesh Nt. and Kristian Petersen. Sebastian Sandberg's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Talita Travassos, Joanne Chung, Anwar Yusuf, Björkvall Yngve, and Dinesh Nt. and Kristian Petersen.