Sebastian Arsinevici

Sebastian Arsinevici Email and Phone Number

Export Veterinary Surgeon @ Vetpartners Limited
york, united kingdom

Sebastian Arsinevici's Current Company Details

Vetpartners Limited

Export Veterinary Surgeon
york, united kingdom

Sebastian Arsinevici Work Experience

    Export Veterinary Surgeon
    Vetpartners Limited Jul 22 - Present · 2 yrs 6 mos
    York, City Of York, United Kingdom
    Lead Official Veterinarian
    Eville & Jones Jan 17 - Aug 17 · 7 mos
    Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
    * Team managing, an additional task, added to my initial Official Veterinarian role, for a team to manage which consists of 5 Official Veterinarians, 14 Meat Hygiene Inspectors, 5 Poultry Inspector Assistants and numerous trainees ( MHIs/PIAs ) * All OVs, MHIs and PIAs mentioned above are segregated in 2 shifts during night/day rotation and different weekly rota for inspection tasks. * Also, I am responsible for the relation within/with the Main Office/Team/Business Operator/Customer and dealing with the corroboration of all ongoing non compliance/queries/enforcement. * Taking decisions (to act or designate) in order to solve above stated issues and avoid recurrence. * Liaise when necessary with all stakeholders involved, Local Authorities(Trading Standards, A.P.H.A., D.E.F.R.A.) Show less
    Official Veterinarian
    Eville & Jones Sep 12 - Jan 17 · 4 yrs 4 mos
    Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
    As Official Veterinarian, I provide Official Controls to the production, processing, distribution, retail, packaging and labeling of food stuffs.Also operate as the Team Leader in plant by line managing and providing technical advice to the plant inspection team to ensure the efficient and consistent delivery of Official Controls as defined within the Manual for Official Controls (MOC). Main duties include:-Enforcement officer(as per European Regulations & Domestic Legislation).-Auditing the HACCP application and Risk assessment of impact on public health at food establishments.-Supervision and auditing of hygiene, staff training, maintenance, pest control, waste management and animal welfare.-Food safety, food import/export certification, food business inspection, food - consultancy, technical assistance and food microbiology.-Team leader of Official Auxiliaries (Meat Hygiene Inspectors and Meat Technicians).-Training of quality assurance teams and food handling operatives.-Health & Safety Officer at work environment. Show less
    Histopathologist At State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
    Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary And Food Safety Authority Aug 02 - Sep 05 · 3 yrs 1 mo
    * Dealing with microscopic examination of cells(cytopathology) or tissue (histopathology). * Studies the microscopic manifestations of disease(both general and specific conditions) * Medically qualified specialist to deal also in forensics(as sex determination, poaching etc) * Gives corroborate diagnosis e.g. rabies –histo / virusology diagn. Etc * Attend medical meetings and perform necropsy. * Deal with biopsy material(cyto), involving routine tests and analysis. * Work closely with other medical professionals such as virusologs to ensure diseased tissue is dealt with, diagnosed accordingly. * Look beyond the obvious to find if there are any underlying diseases. Such things will not always jump out at you. * Be completely accurate in testing/interpreting. * Use microscopes and other investigative tools and machinery to analyse tissue. * Perform frozen section tissue processing.
    Head Of Morphopathology Department At State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
    Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary And Food Safety Authority Sep 05 - Feb 12 · 6 yrs 5 mos
    Veterinary Technician
    Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary And Food Safety Authority Aug 94 - Aug 96 · 2 yrs
    Meat Hygiene Inspector
    Eville & Jones Feb 12 - Sep 12 · 7 mos
    Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
    * Key duties, skills and achievements: * inspecting the hygiene and food safety in slaughterhouses and cutting plants * checking animal welfare conditions, inspecting live animals, game or poultry for any signs of diseases * carrying out post-mortem inspections on diseased animals * checking meat transportation conditions * making sure that unfit meat is destroyed properly * recording the findings from inspections, * recommending any improvements that need to be made * using the INNOVA integrated system database, for conditions and findings
    Senior Veterinary Inspector
    Animal And Plant Health Agency Aug 17 - Jul 22 · 4 yrs 11 mos
    United Kingdom
    * Operational: * involve interaction with animals, keepers, testing samples, investigating * surveillance submissions and monitoring a wide range of different industries linked to animals and * animal products. These jobs require a high level of knowledge and the ability to investigate and * risk-assess a situation or event. * Research: * involve carrying out studies and projects to provide evidence to safeguard animal * health and welfare and public health. This tends to be applied rather than fundamental science and * can have a direct impact at the national and international level. * Policy: * rely on your knowledge and awareness of a particular area of veterinary medicine, * the legal framework, and policy expectations as well as the ability to review and collate a range of * information so you can provide evidence based advice, guidance or other information in order for * decisions to be made. Will be providing advice that can influence policy across the EU and * play a critical role in the detection, definition and management of animal-related risks. * For more:

Sebastian Arsinevici Education

    “Traian Săvulescu” High School– Tg. Mureş
    1990 - 1994
    Glasgow University
    Masters in Public Health 2012 - 2012

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sebastian Arsinevici

What company does Sebastian Arsinevici work for?

Sebastian Arsinevici works for Vetpartners Limited

What is Sebastian Arsinevici's role in his/her workplace?

Sebastian Arsinevici's role in his/her workplace is Export Veterinary Surgeon.

Which industry does Sebastian Arsinevici work in currently?

Sebastian Arsinevici works in the industry Veterinary.

What schools did Sebastian Arsinevici attend?

Sebastian Arsinevici attended “traian Săvulescu” High School– Tg. Mureş, “traian Săvulescu” High School– Tg. Mureş. and Glasgow University.

Who are Sebastian Arsinevici's colleagues?

Sebastian Arsinevici's colleagues are Leigh Safder, Leigh Safder, Hayley Gudgeon, Hayley Gudgeon, Alan Bannister, Alan Bannister, Chris Paton, Chris Paton, Rebekah Dudek, Rebekah Dudek, and Jean-Baptiste Wautier. and Mike Hall.

Who are Sebastian Arsinevici's peers at other companies?

Sebastian Arsinevici's peers at other companies are Amy Slone, Alex Oliveira, Thorsten Nowrat, Keiran Falvey, Grace-Elaine Sommerfeld, and Lillie Kemp. and Erin Bonar. Sebastian Arsinevici's peers at other companies are Amy Slone, Alex Oliveira, Thorsten Nowrat, Keiran Falvey, Grace-Elaine Sommerfeld, and Lillie Kemp. and Erin Bonar.