Scott Cullen

Scott Cullen Email and Phone Number

jacksonville, florida, united states

Scott Cullen's Current Company Details

Northwest Support Services

jacksonville, florida, united states
Program Development

Scott Cullen Work Experience

    Jacksonville, Florida, United States
    Launched in 2003, Northwest Support Services acts as a third-party independent contractor in program administration, sustainable construction, job development and workforce management. Northwest provides administrative, consulting and human resource services for nonprofits, businesses and municipalities who don't have the expertise, time or manpower to fulfill these duties for their short or long-term projects. In the effort to create local jobs, Northwest also self-performs many contracts.Northwest's clients have included the City of Jacksonville, the Community Rehabilitation Center, the Environmental Protection Agency, Florida State College, the Jacksonville International Airport, the Northeast Florida Community Action Agency and Old Veteran Construction.Northwest is a Small Business Administration 8(a)-certified company with federal and local minority business certifications.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Scott Cullen

What company does Scott Cullen work for?

Scott Cullen works for Northwest Support Services

What is Scott Cullen's role in his/her workplace?

Scott Cullen's role in his/her workplace is Owner.

Which industry does Scott Cullen work in currently?

Scott Cullen works in the industry Program Development.

Who are Scott Cullen's colleagues?

Scott Cullen's colleagues are Jane Gaddis, Jane Gaddis, Kim Carademos, Kim Carademos, Reba Honaker, Reba Honaker, Janyce Jenkins, Janyce Jenkins, Mark Ratcliff, Mark Ratcliff, and Roger Tennant. and Lisa Schaecher.

Who are Scott Cullen's peers at other companies?

Scott Cullen's peers at other companies are Nieves Jorge, Mark Levitt, Dirce Kamida, Jôse Lourdes, Margaret Gourley, and Zoya Khan. and Kejie Ma. Scott Cullen's peers at other companies are Nieves Jorge, Mark Levitt, Dirce Kamida, Jôse Lourdes, Margaret Gourley, and Zoya Khan. and Kejie Ma.