Scott Clegg

Scott Clegg Email and Phone Number

Senior Sales Representative @ Colortech Inc.
morristown, tennessee, united states

Scott Clegg's Contact Details

Scott Clegg work email

Scott Clegg personal email


Scott Clegg's Current Company Details

Colortech Inc.

Senior Sales Representative
morristown, tennessee, united states

Scott Clegg Work Experience

    Senior Sales Representative
    Colortech Inc. Sep 08 - Present · 16 yrs 5 mos
    Morristown, Tennessee, United States

Scott Clegg Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Scott Clegg

What company does Scott Clegg work for?

Scott Clegg works for Colortech Inc.

What is Scott Clegg's role in his/her workplace?

Scott Clegg's role in his/her workplace is Senior Sales Representative.

Which industry does Scott Clegg work in currently?

Scott Clegg works in the industry Plastics.

What is Scott Clegg's email address?

Scott Clegg's email address is

What schools did Scott Clegg attend?

Scott Clegg attended University Of New Hampshire.

Who are Scott Clegg's colleagues?

Scott Clegg's colleagues are Leyland Williams, Leyland Williams, Habjul Bari, Habjul Bari, Dave Parkinson, Dave Parkinson, Tim Coley, Tim Coley, Lance Noonkesser, Lance Noonkesser, and Alberto Mazzonetto. and Marco Rosolen.

Who are Scott Clegg's peers at other companies?

Scott Clegg's peers at other companies are Greg Kasmar, Simon Wong, Walter Bonbizin, Muriel Vallet, Jim Ashton, and Michal Cirmaciu. and Khaled Salama. Scott Clegg's peers at other companies are Greg Kasmar, Simon Wong, Walter Bonbizin, Muriel Vallet, Jim Ashton, and Michal Cirmaciu. and Khaled Salama.