Sardar Shaik

Sardar Shaik Email and Phone Number

Business Development Manager @ Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Sardar Shaik's Current Company Details

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Business Development Manager
Oil & Energy

Sardar Shaik Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sardar Shaik

What company does Sardar Shaik work for?

Sardar Shaik works for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

What is Sardar Shaik's role in his/her workplace?

Sardar Shaik's role in his/her workplace is Business Development Manager.

Which industry does Sardar Shaik work in currently?

Sardar Shaik works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Sardar Shaik's colleagues?

Sardar Shaik's colleagues are Chandrashekhar D, Chandrashekhar D, Anand Anna, Anand Anna, Punarva Kamdi, Punarva Kamdi, Venkatram Reddy, Venkatram Reddy, Sahil Lad, Sahil Lad, and Jaydeepsinh Bodana. and Ved Prakash.

Who are Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies?

Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies are Logan Mckee, Gary Heinrich, Georg Röser, Yuchao Wu, Edward Sarkodie, and Daniel Bryan. and Mike Brannan. Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies are Logan Mckee, Gary Heinrich, Georg Röser, Yuchao Wu, Edward Sarkodie, and Daniel Bryan. and Mike Brannan.