Sardar Shaik

Sardar Shaik Email and Phone Number

Network Operations Engineer @ Etisalat
abu dhabi, united arab emirates

Sardar Shaik's Contact Details

Sardar Shaik personal email

Sardar Shaik's Current Company Details


Network Operations Engineer
abu dhabi, united arab emirates

Sardar Shaik Work Experience

    Ubs Gnms Team Leader - Network Operations Center Noc
    Csc Oct 13 - Aug 14 · 10 mos
    United States
    Team Leader - Network Operations
    Beam Telecom Private Limited Apr 13 - Oct 13 · 6 mos
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
    * Create an environment orientated to trust, open communication, creative thinking & cohesive * team effort. * Motivate & inspire team members * Lead by setting a good example (role model) – behavior consistent with words * Facilitate problem solving & collaboration * Support new team members in working through induction programs., ensure that they have * the necessary knowledge to effectively participate on the team. * Provide necessary organisational information to staff team.Help keep the team focused & on track. * Operational Management:- * Collate organisational data in agreement with Managers * Attend regular meetings as directed by management. * Maintain overview of daily records, incident logs & shift planners. * Monitor all key worker records & support individual key workers to develop positive working * relationships with clients. * Keep the management team informed of accomplishments & ongoing issues, participate in * achieving resolutions to identified issues.
    Cnoc Engineeer
    Tata Tele Business Services Nov 11 - Apr 13 · 1 yr 5 mos
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    24 7 Alarm Monitoring Engineer of PAN India Network. Worked on different technologies/projects like RAN(Alarm monitoring-proactive), DLC (Alarm Monitoring & Troubleshooting both Proactive and reactive), MPLS(Alarm Monitoring and basic troubleshooting). L1 Trouble Shooting. SLA Adherence, Working on TT's on CRM Tool, Customer/SAM Coordination. Provide Technical support to the Custoemrs/Clients. Configuration of L-2 & L-3 Devices, IP Networking, IP Routing, IP Addressing. Strong command on Protocols like TCP/IP, STP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, EIRGP, MPLS, etc., Monitoring of complete Trnasmission Media(PDH/SDH/DWDM) & Troubleshotting. worked on monitoring tools like Alcatel NMS & ECI NMS, Netnumen, M2000. working on WhatsUP Gold. Alarm/Fault management, Performance management and SLA management. Data Analysis--Daily Report/Weekly DashBoard/Monthly Report Submission. Documenting the complete daily analysis on excel worksheets & reporting it to the higher management.
    Project Co-Ordinator
    Apex Telecom Solutions Dec 09 - Nov 11 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
    Project Management & Coordination, Project Delivery, Clent Relation, Maintaining Cost Level, Quality of Work, to brought Revenue/Profit to the company.
    Telecommunications Engineer
    Apex Telecom Solutions Dec 09 - Apr 10 · 4 mos
    Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
    * Roles & Responsibilities: * Installation, Up gradation, Commissioning and Maintenance of B.T.S Site working on Technology (G.S.M 900/1800)/ (HUAWEI 3900 BTS) (NSN Outdoor BTS) * Installation and commissioning of Microwave Antenna(MW) HUawei/NEC/NSN * Commissioning of MW/BTS by using compatible s/w like WEBLCT * Trouble Shooting & Rectification of Microwave Link Faults and coordination with switch for normal functioning of B.T.S. Site * Perform Site integration, Perform Pre-Acceptance and Acceptance test (using VSWR). * External Alarms BTS to OMCR * Support to BSS Engineer to clear alarms and resolve the outage issues
    Network Operations Engineer
    Etisalat Dec 14 - Present · 10 yrs 2 mos
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sardar Shaik

What company does Sardar Shaik work for?

Sardar Shaik works for Etisalat

What is Sardar Shaik's role in his/her workplace?

Sardar Shaik's role in his/her workplace is Network Operations Engineer.

Which industry does Sardar Shaik work in currently?

Sardar Shaik works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Sardar Shaik's email address?

Sardar Shaik's email address is

Who are Sardar Shaik's colleagues?

Sardar Shaik's colleagues are Zulfiqar Din, Zulfiqar Din, Rayana Art, Rayana Art, Youssef Shaaban, Youssef Shaaban, Ahmed Agag, Ahmed Agag, Pece Carlo Amigable, Pece Carlo Amigable, and Oyindamola Oluleye. and Umay Habiba.

Who are Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies?

Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies are Edward Patricia, Brenda Alvirde, Karimou Salifou, Conor Hanrahan, Valerie Barbato, and Dean Manners. and Moliehi Makhele. Sardar Shaik's peers at other companies are Edward Patricia, Brenda Alvirde, Karimou Salifou, Conor Hanrahan, Valerie Barbato, and Dean Manners. and Moliehi Makhele.