Sarah Stalter Email and Phone Number
Sarah Stalter's Current Company Details

Southeast Middle School
- Website:
- southeastms.org
- Employees:
- 47
Sarah Stalter Work Experience
Student TeacherHairston Middle School Jan 13 - May 13 · 4 mosAt Hairston I taught 6th grade Language Arts resource and inclusion and 6th grade Math inclusion. I worked with students with needs related to behavioral/emotional disability and autism.
Summer Camp CounselorHugs Camp Jul 08 - Jul 08 ·At HUGS Camp, I supervised middle school and high school students as they cared for young people with special needs during a week long overnight camp. These young people ranged from severe/profound disabilities to physical handicaps.
Ec TeacherSoutheast Middle School Aug 13 - Present · 11 yrs 6 mosSouth Gate, California, United StatesAt Southeast I have co-taught Mathematics at all three grades and Language Arts at the 6th grade level. I have taught Math Study Skills and am currently teaching 7th and 8th grade Math resource classes. In my math resource class we are using the research based program TransMath to increase student proficiency in basic skills. I also put a strong focus on real world applications and skills. I have worked with students with a variety of levels of needs from ID-mild or AU to high functioning SLD.
Sarah Stalter Education
Bachelor Of Science in Teaching 2008 - 2013
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Sarah Stalter
What company does Sarah Stalter work for?
Sarah Stalter works for Southeast Middle School
What is Sarah Stalter's role in his/her workplace?
Sarah Stalter's role in his/her workplace is Ec Teacher.
What schools did Sarah Stalter attend?
Sarah Stalter attended University Of North Carolina At Greensboro.
What are some of Sarah Stalter's interests?
Sarah Stalter has interests in Health, Health. Children, Children. Education, Education. and I Am Interested In Technology.
What is Sarah Stalter's role in his workplace?
Sarah Stalter has skills like Powerpoint, Social Media, Public Speaking, Curriculum Design, Teaching, Transmath, Windows 8.1, Fundraising, Software, Quality Assurance, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Tutoring, Community Outreach, Steps, Number Worlds, Windows 7, Microsoft One Drive, Special Education, Google Drive, Volunteer Management, Hardware, Curriculum Development, and Iep Process.
Who are Sarah Stalter's colleagues?
Sarah Stalter's colleagues are Megan Ryan, Megan Ryan, Kaitlin Vera, Kaitlin Vera, Stephanie Leach, Stephanie Leach, Sarah Ferrell, Sarah Ferrell, Patrick Neely, Patrick Neely, and Donna Lester. and Connie Stone.