Sarah Donohoe

Sarah Donohoe Email and Phone Number

It Support @ Údarás Na Gaeltachta

Sarah Donohoe's Current Company Details

Údarás Na Gaeltachta

It Support
Government Administration

Sarah Donohoe Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Donohoe

What company does Sarah Donohoe work for?

Sarah Donohoe works for Údarás Na Gaeltachta

What is Sarah Donohoe's role in his/her workplace?

Sarah Donohoe's role in his/her workplace is It Support.

Which industry does Sarah Donohoe work in currently?

Sarah Donohoe works in the industry Government Administration.

Who are Sarah Donohoe's colleagues?

Sarah Donohoe's colleagues are Máire Chuinneagáin, Máire Chuinneagáin, O Fearraigh Mícheál, O Fearraigh Mícheál, Stephen Mcdonagh, Stephen Mcdonagh, Pádraic Cuinn, Pádraic Cuinn, Seán Ginley, Seán Ginley, and Mamie Chualain. and Filimne Lally.

Who are Sarah Donohoe's peers at other companies?

Sarah Donohoe's peers at other companies are Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Maria Comer, Guillaume Tricot, Domenico Puleo, and Ronald Roozeboom. and Tamer İnan. Sarah Donohoe's peers at other companies are Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Maria Comer, Guillaume Tricot, Domenico Puleo, and Ronald Roozeboom. and Tamer İnan.