Sarah Davies

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Charities Management Consultant @ Charities Management Consultant

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Charities Management Consultant

Charities Management Consultant
As a Chief Executive I provided direction, vision and inspirational leadership to the charity I led for 11 years. I work on instinct and act on this in everything I do. At Futureversity I attracted a diverse and highly skilled team to achieve Futureversity’s ambitious goals, to roll out their model of opening doors for young people through unconventional learning and innovative partnerships, nationally and internationally. This valuable experience enables me to support other businesses and charities in getting to grips with the challenges they face, seeing the reality of what needs to change within their organisation in order to achieve their goals and dreams, without loosing sight of the fundamental aims and objectives of their founding ideals. I live aboard a yacht and am always contactable through LinkedIn should you need my expertise.

Sarah Davies Work Experience

  • Charities Management Consultant
    Charities Management Consultant Mar 15 - Present · 9 yrs 11 mos
  • Chief Executive Officer
    Futureversity Apr 02 - Mar 13 · 10 yrs 11 mos
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    I worked for Futureversity (formerly Tower Hamlets Summer University) from 1998 until 2013, co-ordinating free, vibrant, summer courses and year round programmes for young people locally. I became head of the charity in 2002 and from 2006 I lead the charity through expansion, rolling our unique model of working with young people across and beyond the capital. My teenage and subsequent life experience has taught me that all skills are transferable and all young people have the potential to be amazing adults. My passions are for photography, travel, music and gardens and my ambition is to fulfil our charity’s vision: a world where all young people are valued and fulfil their true potential.In March 2013 I stepped down from my role at Futureversity for a new challenge - renovating and sailing a 43.5ft Bermudan Cutter Yacht. This gave a great opportunity for a new and energetic CEO to take up the gauntlet of steering Futureversity into the future. Show less

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Davies

What company does Sarah Davies work for?

Sarah Davies works for Charities Management Consultant

What is Sarah Davies's role in his/her workplace?

Sarah Davies's role in his/her workplace is Charities Management Consultant.

What is Sarah Davies's email address?

Sarah Davies's email address is