Sarah Davies

Sarah Davies Email and Phone Number

Development Officer @ Oriel College, Oxford
united kingdom

Sarah Davies's Current Company Details

Oriel College, Oxford

Development Officer
united kingdom
Higher Education

Sarah Davies Work Experience

Sarah Davies Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Davies

What company does Sarah Davies work for?

Sarah Davies works for Oriel College, Oxford

What is Sarah Davies's role in his/her workplace?

Sarah Davies's role in his/her workplace is Development Officer.

Which industry does Sarah Davies work in currently?

Sarah Davies works in the industry Higher Education.

What schools did Sarah Davies attend?

Sarah Davies attended University Of Oxford.

Who are Sarah Davies's colleagues?

Sarah Davies's colleagues are Anna Townsend, Anna Townsend, Sarah Conkerton, Sarah Conkerton, Mare Kozmar, Mare Kozmar, Shashank Gorade, Shashank Gorade, Zoe Mcipd, Zoe Mcipd, and Heloise Robinson. and Bobby Higson.

Who are Sarah Davies's peers at other companies?

Sarah Davies's peers at other companies are Hal Weitzman, Johandry Córdova, Demitrice Whaley, John Venturini, Kelly Aguirre, and Eric Porras. and Muzaffer Erdoğan. Sarah Davies's peers at other companies are Hal Weitzman, Johandry Córdova, Demitrice Whaley, John Venturini, Kelly Aguirre, and Eric Porras. and Muzaffer Erdoğan.