Sangeeta Pal

Sangeeta Pal Email and Phone Number

Manager @ Bmg

Sangeeta Pal's Contact Details

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Sangeeta Pal's Current Company Details


Food & Beverages

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sangeeta Pal

What company does Sangeeta Pal work for?

Sangeeta Pal works for Bmg

What is Sangeeta Pal's role in his/her workplace?

Sangeeta Pal's role in his/her workplace is Manager.

Which industry does Sangeeta Pal work in currently?

Sangeeta Pal works in the industry Food & Beverages.

What is Sangeeta Pal's email address?

Sangeeta Pal's email address is

Who are Sangeeta Pal's colleagues?

Sangeeta Pal's colleagues are Gerda Robinson, Gerda Robinson, Kobus Kritzinger, Kobus Kritzinger, Prince Michael, Prince Michael, Yazu Sanchez, Yazu Sanchez, Maxine Blair, Maxine Blair, and Fellipe Nicomedes. and Renata De Ataíde Conceição.

Who are Sangeeta Pal's peers at other companies?

Sangeeta Pal's peers at other companies are Juan Cruz, Edgar Moura, Tom Tomeij, Ailton Martins, Lucie Brothánková, and Shaun Frank. and Bonnie Robin. Sangeeta Pal's peers at other companies are Juan Cruz, Edgar Moura, Tom Tomeij, Ailton Martins, Lucie Brothánková, and Shaun Frank. and Bonnie Robin.