Sandrine Gaussein

Sandrine Gaussein Email and Phone Number

paris, île-de-france, france

Sandrine Gaussein's Contact Details

Sandrine Gaussein personal email


Sandrine Gaussein's Current Company Details

Soyuz - Communication Agency

paris, île-de-france, france
Marketing And Advertising

Sandrine Gaussein Work Experience

Sandrine Gaussein Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sandrine Gaussein

What company does Sandrine Gaussein work for?

Sandrine Gaussein works for Soyuz - Communication Agency

What is Sandrine Gaussein's role in his/her workplace?

Sandrine Gaussein's role in his/her workplace is Associée.

Which industry does Sandrine Gaussein work in currently?

Sandrine Gaussein works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

What is Sandrine Gaussein's email address?

Sandrine Gaussein's email address is

What schools did Sandrine Gaussein attend?

Sandrine Gaussein attended Edhec Business School, Edhec Business School. and Universidad Nacional De La Plata.

Who are Sandrine Gaussein's colleagues?

Sandrine Gaussein's colleagues are Operador De Carga, Operador De Carga, Isabelle Laumonier, Isabelle Laumonier, Claudia Callirgos, Claudia Callirgos, Sébastien Bonnefoy, Sébastien Bonnefoy, Jeremy Fahner, Jeremy Fahner, and Cécile Teixeira. and Magalí Varela.

Who are Sandrine Gaussein's peers at other companies?

Sandrine Gaussein's peers at other companies are Nicky Sandhu, Makenna Wood, Giovanna Heindel, Leonardo Cinti, Arker Kyaw, and Mark Gong. and Olga Ruiz. Sandrine Gaussein's peers at other companies are Nicky Sandhu, Makenna Wood, Giovanna Heindel, Leonardo Cinti, Arker Kyaw, and Mark Gong. and Olga Ruiz.