Sandrina Dos Santos

Sandrina Dos Santos Email and Phone Number

Ingénieur Metrologie @ Aérométrologie

Sandrina Dos Santos's Current Company Details


Ingénieur Metrologie
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Sandrina Dos Santos Work Experience

    Technicien Contrôle Qualité
    Coca Cola Sep 16 - Feb 17 · 5 mos
    Técnica Qualidade, Segurança E Ambiente And Technicien Qualité, Sécurité Et Environnement
    Grupo Lena Angola 2013 - 2014 · 1 yr
    Técnica Qualidade, Segurança E Ambiente And Technicien Qualité, Sécurité Et Environnement
    Grupo Lena Portugal 2007 - 2013 · 6 yrs
    Ingénieur Metrologie
    Aérométrologie Feb 18 - Present · 7 yrs

Sandrina Dos Santos Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sandrina Dos Santos

What company does Sandrina Dos Santos work for?

Sandrina Dos Santos works for Aérométrologie

What is Sandrina Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace?

Sandrina Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace is Ingénieur Metrologie.

Which industry does Sandrina Dos Santos work in currently?

Sandrina Dos Santos works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What schools did Sandrina Dos Santos attend?

Sandrina Dos Santos attended Instituto Politécnico De Tomar, Instituto Politécnico De Tomar. Escola Profissional De Tomar, Escola Profissional De Tomar. and 26 Academy.

Who are Sandrina Dos Santos's colleagues?

Sandrina Dos Santos's colleagues are Ayoub Zeroual, Ayoub Zeroual, Laura Marvielle, Laura Marvielle, Ilham Zouhir, Ilham Zouhir, Marylou Delprat, Marylou Delprat, Raffaello Tonetti, Raffaello Tonetti, and Soumia Mejahed. and Adeline Noulet.

Who are Sandrina Dos Santos's peers at other companies?

Sandrina Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Jodie Draper, Michell Mancilla, Victor Medina, Lorena Martinez, Nicholas Blanton, and Wim Kruikemeijer. and Mike Searle. Sandrina Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Jodie Draper, Michell Mancilla, Victor Medina, Lorena Martinez, Nicholas Blanton, and Wim Kruikemeijer. and Mike Searle.