Samuel Leverett

Samuel Leverett Email and Phone Number

charlton, massachusetts, united states

Samuel Leverett's Contact Information

Samuel Leverett personal email

Samuel Leverett phone numbers

Samuel Leverett's Current Company Details

Amcomm Wireless - Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer

Wireless Consultant
charlton, massachusetts, united states
I have experience in sales as well as management and cash handling. I also have experience in cellular sales, working on computers, and working in a fast paced environment l.

Samuel Leverett Work Experience

Samuel Leverett Education

    High School Of Science And Technology
    2002 - 2006

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Frequently Asked Questions about Samuel Leverett

What company does Samuel Leverett work for?

Samuel Leverett works for Amcomm Wireless - Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer

What is Samuel Leverett's role in his/her workplace?

Samuel Leverett's role in his/her workplace is Wireless Consultant.

Which industry does Samuel Leverett work in currently?

Samuel Leverett works in the industry Retail.

What is Samuel Leverett's email address?

Samuel Leverett's email address is

What is Samuel Leverett's direct phone number?

Samuel Leverett's direct phone number is +14133622910

What schools did Samuel Leverett attend?

Samuel Leverett attended High School Of Science And Technology.

What is Samuel Leverett's role in his workplace?

Samuel Leverett has skills like Cashiering, New Hire Training, Hiring, Inventory Management, Cash Handling, Sales Management, and Sales.

Who are Samuel Leverett's colleagues?

Samuel Leverett's colleagues are Bethany Beliveau-Fortier, Bethany Beliveau-Fortier, Ashley Williams, Ashley Williams, Corey Bryant, Corey Bryant, Shaun Carney, Shaun Carney, Cody Stewart, Cody Stewart, and Lori Mersing. and Roy Rodriguez.

Who are Samuel Leverett's peers at other companies?

Samuel Leverett's peers at other companies are Clinton Wolf, Kenza Bégous, Kylie Baughurst, Jéssica Da Silva, Ansley Kempson, and Brandon Martin. and Nicole Price. Samuel Leverett's peers at other companies are Clinton Wolf, Kenza Bégous, Kylie Baughurst, Jéssica Da Silva, Ansley Kempson, and Brandon Martin. and Nicole Price.