Samantha Vaughan

Samantha Vaughan Email and Phone Number

Physical Therapist @ Ati Physical Therapy
bolingbrook, illinois, united states

Samantha Vaughan's Contact Details

Samantha Vaughan work email

Samantha Vaughan personal email


Samantha Vaughan's Current Company Details

Ati Physical Therapy

Physical Therapist
bolingbrook, illinois, united states
Health, Wellness And Fitness
I am a graduate from Drexel University, where I received a Doctorate of Physical Therapy in June 2020.

Samantha Vaughan Work Experience

    Physical Therapy Technician
    Mount Nittany Health May 16 - Sep 17 · 1 yr 4 mos
    State College, Pennsylvania, United States
    Physical Therapist
    Encompass Health Dec 20 - Mar 22 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Birmingham, Alabama, United States
    Physical Therapist
    Ati Physical Therapy Dec 20 - Present · 4 yrs 2 mos
    Bolingbrook, Illinois, United States

Samantha Vaughan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Samantha Vaughan

What company does Samantha Vaughan work for?

Samantha Vaughan works for Ati Physical Therapy

What is Samantha Vaughan's role in his/her workplace?

Samantha Vaughan's role in his/her workplace is Physical Therapist.

Which industry does Samantha Vaughan work in currently?

Samantha Vaughan works in the industry Health, Wellness And Fitness.

What is Samantha Vaughan's email address?

Samantha Vaughan's email address is

What schools did Samantha Vaughan attend?

Samantha Vaughan attended Drexel University, Drexel University. and Penn State University.

Who are Samantha Vaughan's colleagues?

Samantha Vaughan's colleagues are Rusty Smith, Rusty Smith, Heather Sails, Heather Sails, Nick Boswell, Nick Boswell, Kristofor Karpuzi, Kristofor Karpuzi, Laura Lesh, Laura Lesh, and Joe Skocypec. and Cindy Gillam.

Who are Samantha Vaughan's peers at other companies?

Samantha Vaughan's peers at other companies are Brendon Lummy, Sylvia Vegas, Sameh Belkhir, Umesh Yadav, Zinhle Mahlangu, and Lisa Dibello. and Zanjoe Paras. Samantha Vaughan's peers at other companies are Brendon Lummy, Sylvia Vegas, Sameh Belkhir, Umesh Yadav, Zinhle Mahlangu, and Lisa Dibello. and Zanjoe Paras.