Sakib Ahmed

Sakib Ahmed Email and Phone Number

Sakib Ahmed's Current Company Details

Rajshahi College Career Club - Rccc

General Secretary
Civic & Social Organization
BSS in EconomicsWorking on a SAP-Social Action Project named Blooming Stars as a Group Co-ordinator under Active Citizens -British Council and also working as a volunteer at some Civil & Social Organization.Like to read books & writing as well.

Sakib Ahmed Work Experience

Sakib Ahmed Education

    Rajshahi College
    Bachelors in Social Science 2018 - 2022
    Govt. Shahid Bulbil College, Pabna
    2015 - 2016
    Al - Hera Academy School & College, Bera, Pabna
    2013 - 2014

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sakib Ahmed

What company does Sakib Ahmed work for?

Sakib Ahmed works for Rajshahi College Career Club - Rccc

What is Sakib Ahmed's role in his/her workplace?

Sakib Ahmed's role in his/her workplace is General Secretary.

Which industry does Sakib Ahmed work in currently?

Sakib Ahmed works in the industry Civic & Social Organization.

What schools did Sakib Ahmed attend?

Sakib Ahmed attended Rajshahi College, Rajshahi College. Govt. Shahid Bulbil College, Pabna, Govt. Shahid Bulbil College, Pabna. and Al - Hera Academy School & College, Bera, Pabna.

Who are Sakib Ahmed's colleagues?

Sakib Ahmed's colleagues are Motiur Rahman, Motiur Rahman, Habibur Rahman, Habibur Rahman, Abida Sumi, Abida Sumi, Ah Sadhin, Ah Sadhin, Abida Khatun, Abida Khatun, and S.m.mahfuz Ahamed. and Alfi Shahrin.

Who are Sakib Ahmed's peers at other companies?

Sakib Ahmed's peers at other companies are Bhavina Hirani, Martin Ceku, Ronny Carlsson, Ophélie Dupont, Foued Ballo, and Natalie Fairbanks. and Yony Grajeda. Sakib Ahmed's peers at other companies are Bhavina Hirani, Martin Ceku, Ronny Carlsson, Ophélie Dupont, Foued Ballo, and Natalie Fairbanks. and Yony Grajeda.