Sahar Mirmontazeri

Sahar Mirmontazeri Email and Phone Number

Photographer, Production Designer, Producer @ Mirmont Pictures
beverly hills, california, united states

Sahar Mirmontazeri's Contact Information

Sahar Mirmontazeri work email

Sahar Mirmontazeri personal email


Sahar Mirmontazeri's Current Company Details

Mirmont Pictures

Photographer, Production Designer, Producer
beverly hills, california, united states
Experienced Photographer with a demonstrated history of working in the motion pictures and film industry. Skilled in Production Management, Sales, Photo Shoots, Management, and Adobe Photoshop. Strong arts and design professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Pre-Law Studies, Criminal Justice from Weber State University.

Sahar Mirmontazeri Work Experience

    Photographer, Production Designer, Producer
    Mirmont Pictures ['2006-01-01', 'Present']
    Beverly Hills, California, United States

Sahar Mirmontazeri Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sahar Mirmontazeri

What company does Sahar Mirmontazeri work for?

Sahar Mirmontazeri works for Mirmont Pictures

What is Sahar Mirmontazeri's role in his/her workplace?

Sahar Mirmontazeri's role in his/her workplace is Photographer, Production Designer, Producer.

Which industry does Sahar Mirmontazeri work in currently?

Sahar Mirmontazeri works in the industry Entertainment.

What is Sahar Mirmontazeri's email address?

Sahar Mirmontazeri's email address is

What schools did Sahar Mirmontazeri attend?

Sahar Mirmontazeri attended Weber State University, Weber State University. and Weber State University.

Who are Sahar Mirmontazeri's colleagues?

Sahar Mirmontazeri's colleagues are Deborah Mozer, Deborah Mozer, and Bill Capuozzo. and Sohrab Mirmont.

Who are Sahar Mirmontazeri's peers at other companies?

Sahar Mirmontazeri's peers at other companies are David Silberman, Francisco Paramo-Wedell, Jamie Goliak, Wahaj Albalawi, Isabelle Mounier, and Beth Ashby. and Kristina Whatley. Sahar Mirmontazeri's peers at other companies are David Silberman, Francisco Paramo-Wedell, Jamie Goliak, Wahaj Albalawi, Isabelle Mounier, and Beth Ashby. and Kristina Whatley.