Sahar Iqbal

Sahar Iqbal Email and Phone Number

hartford, connecticut, united states

Sahar Iqbal's Current Company Details


hartford, connecticut, united states
Incoming Masters of Public Health Graduate School student concentrating in public health and health law.

Sahar Iqbal Work Experience

    General Management Summer Associate
    Aetna Jun 18 - Aug 18 · 2 mos
    Hartford, Connecticut, United States
    General Management Summer Associate Intern at Aetna's Achieving Business Excellence (ABX) program. Assisted the Senior Engagement manager in administrative tasks such as setting meetings in the Aetna outlook database. Analyzed Aetna’s contract metrics to determine if primary care physicians in the provider network were adequately financially compensated. Assisted senior business lead in organizing the general management department’s SharePoint site to create a user-friendly platform and encourage usage. Responsible for creating excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint Presentations to organize and present contract metric data to business leads and consultants. Collaborated with the Chrysalis Center of Hartford, CT to create a capstone PowerPoint presentation to orally present the importance of the center’s mission to stakeholders. Show less

Sahar Iqbal Education

    University Of Connecticut
    2016 - 2018
    University Of Connecticut
    2021 - 2023
    University Of Connecticut
    2016 - 2019

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sahar Iqbal

What company does Sahar Iqbal work for?

Sahar Iqbal works for Aetna

Which industry does Sahar Iqbal work in currently?

Sahar Iqbal works in the industry Insurance.

What schools did Sahar Iqbal attend?

Sahar Iqbal attended University Of Connecticut, University Of Connecticut. University Of Connecticut, University Of Connecticut. and University Of Connecticut.

Who are Sahar Iqbal's colleagues?

Sahar Iqbal's colleagues are Ashley Tose, Ashley Tose, Danyell Hairston, Danyell Hairston, Demetra Devisscher, Demetra Devisscher, Kathleen Palys, Kathleen Palys, Carolyn Cirulli, Carolyn Cirulli, and Barbara Hobe. and Cara Giller.

Who are Sahar Iqbal's peers at other companies?

Sahar Iqbal's peers at other companies are Angela Purves, Debbie Hefley, Abdulaziz Kabli, Kunal Tokas, April Pitz, and Sylvia Bolar. and Brandy Barkemeyer. Sahar Iqbal's peers at other companies are Angela Purves, Debbie Hefley, Abdulaziz Kabli, Kunal Tokas, April Pitz, and Sylvia Bolar. and Brandy Barkemeyer.