Sachindra Patel

Sachindra Patel Email and Phone Number

Compositer @ Pixion. Ccl

Sachindra Patel's Current Company Details

Pixion. Ccl

Motion Pictures And Film

Sachindra Patel Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sachindra Patel

What company does Sachindra Patel work for?

Sachindra Patel works for Pixion. Ccl

What is Sachindra Patel's role in his/her workplace?

Sachindra Patel's role in his/her workplace is Compositer.

Which industry does Sachindra Patel work in currently?

Sachindra Patel works in the industry Motion Pictures And Film.

What is Sachindra Patel's role in his workplace?

Sachindra Patel has skills like Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Nuke, and Fcp.

Who are Sachindra Patel's colleagues?

Sachindra Patel's colleagues are Suman Samy, Suman Samy, Anita Chaudhary, Anita Chaudhary, Kalyana Vanka, Kalyana Vanka, Paresh Bang, Paresh Bang, John Pradeep, John Pradeep, and Manish Jain. and Nishant Jogdand.

Who are Sachindra Patel's peers at other companies?

Sachindra Patel's peers at other companies are Michael Vanderpool, Madeline O'brien, Nimira Velji, Jessica Castillo, Walter Fraser, and Zijian Mu. and Thiyagarajan Dayalan. Sachindra Patel's peers at other companies are Michael Vanderpool, Madeline O'brien, Nimira Velji, Jessica Castillo, Walter Fraser, and Zijian Mu. and Thiyagarajan Dayalan.