Sachin Joshi

Sachin Joshi Email and Phone Number

Manager @ Bearingpoint
amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands

Sachin Joshi's Contact Details

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Sachin Joshi's Current Company Details


amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands
Management Consulting
Lead Digital Business Analyst/Product Manager at Department for Education

Sachin Joshi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sachin Joshi

What company does Sachin Joshi work for?

Sachin Joshi works for Bearingpoint

What is Sachin Joshi's role in his/her workplace?

Sachin Joshi's role in his/her workplace is Manager.

Which industry does Sachin Joshi work in currently?

Sachin Joshi works in the industry Management Consulting.

What is Sachin Joshi's email address?

Sachin Joshi's email address is

Who are Sachin Joshi's colleagues?

Sachin Joshi's colleagues are Alexander Koch, Alexander Koch, Hussein Radwan, Hussein Radwan, Kimberly Wächter, Kimberly Wächter, Simon Whelan, Simon Whelan, Lee Klein, Lee Klein, and Katja Hommel. and Marie-Paule Loget.

Who are Sachin Joshi's peers at other companies?

Sachin Joshi's peers at other companies are Sage Andress, Lin Eboh, Ignacia Charpentier, Barb Zimmerman, Domenico Zaccone, and Weldon Gore. and Gernot Zeilinger. Sachin Joshi's peers at other companies are Sage Andress, Lin Eboh, Ignacia Charpentier, Barb Zimmerman, Domenico Zaccone, and Weldon Gore. and Gernot Zeilinger.