Sachi Motghare

Sachi Motghare Email and Phone Number

Sachi Motghare's Current Company Details

Ossum Technology

Computer Software
I am an aspiring data analyst with a strong passion for numbers, problem-solving, and extracting valuable insights from data. As I embark on my journey in the world of data analytics, I am excited to learn and grow in this dynamic field.

Sachi Motghare Work Experience

    User Interface And User Experience Designer
    Ossum Technology 2022 - 2022 ·
    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
    Had an experience to explore in the world of UI/UX designing using Figma for the various clients .

Sachi Motghare Education

    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
    2021 - 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sachi Motghare

What company does Sachi Motghare work for?

Sachi Motghare works for Ossum Technology

Which industry does Sachi Motghare work in currently?

Sachi Motghare works in the industry Computer Software.

What schools did Sachi Motghare attend?

Sachi Motghare attended Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University.

Who are Sachi Motghare's colleagues?

Sachi Motghare's colleagues are

Who are Sachi Motghare's peers at other companies?

Sachi Motghare's peers at other companies are George Fernandes, Johan Preynat, Romain Terracina, Malthe Wulff, John Pentsa, and Leonel C. and Nguyen Phong. Sachi Motghare's peers at other companies are George Fernandes, Johan Preynat, Romain Terracina, Malthe Wulff, John Pentsa, and Leonel C. and Nguyen Phong.