Sabrina Olivero

Sabrina Olivero Email and Phone Number

Front Desk Receptionist @ Vanguard Dermatology
whitestone, new york, united states

Sabrina Olivero's Current Company Details

Vanguard Dermatology

Front Desk Receptionist
whitestone, new york, united states
Medical Practice

Sabrina Olivero Work Experience

    Front Desk Receptionist
    Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, United States
    Front Desk Receptionist
    Vanguard Dermatology Aug 15 - Present · 9 yrs 6 mos
    Whitestone, New York, United States

Sabrina Olivero Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sabrina Olivero

What company does Sabrina Olivero work for?

Sabrina Olivero works for Vanguard Dermatology

What is Sabrina Olivero's role in his/her workplace?

Sabrina Olivero's role in his/her workplace is Front Desk Receptionist.

Which industry does Sabrina Olivero work in currently?

Sabrina Olivero works in the industry Medical Practice.

What schools did Sabrina Olivero attend?

Sabrina Olivero attended University Of Phoenix.

Who are Sabrina Olivero's colleagues?

Sabrina Olivero's colleagues are Dolma Tsering, Dolma Tsering, Simona Chiaro, Simona Chiaro, Sherylynn Valerio, Sherylynn Valerio, Kenlon Williams, Kenlon Williams, Ashley Peralta, Ashley Peralta, and Aleksandra Kaczor. and Azalesha Rodriguez.

Who are Sabrina Olivero's peers at other companies?

Sabrina Olivero's peers at other companies are Matt Miller, Marilyn Coley, Tanetta Blackwell, El Guerrero, Mary Vibostak, and Evelyn L. and Amanda Mast. Sabrina Olivero's peers at other companies are Matt Miller, Marilyn Coley, Tanetta Blackwell, El Guerrero, Mary Vibostak, and Evelyn L. and Amanda Mast.