Sabiha Guzel

Sabiha Guzel Email and Phone Number

Inside Sales @ Air Canada Vacations
montréal, quebec, canada

Sabiha Guzel's Current Company Details

Air Canada Vacations

Inside Sales
montréal, quebec, canada
Leisure, Travel & Tourism

Sabiha Guzel Work Experience

Sabiha Guzel Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sabiha Guzel

What company does Sabiha Guzel work for?

Sabiha Guzel works for Air Canada Vacations

What is Sabiha Guzel's role in his/her workplace?

Sabiha Guzel's role in his/her workplace is Inside Sales.

Which industry does Sabiha Guzel work in currently?

Sabiha Guzel works in the industry Leisure, Travel & Tourism.

What schools did Sabiha Guzel attend?

Sabiha Guzel attended Humber College.

What is Sabiha Guzel's role in his workplace?

Sabiha Guzel has skills like Customer Service, Client Relations, Client Services, Travel Planning, Organization Skills, Sales Operations, and Project Planning.

Who are Sabiha Guzel's colleagues?

Sabiha Guzel's colleagues are Marie-Eve Painchaud, Marie-Eve Painchaud, Stephanie D'souza, Stephanie D'souza, Sheila Martins, Sheila Martins, Theressa De Faveri, Theressa De Faveri, Alessandra Mancini, Alessandra Mancini, and Eric Ferguson. and Christine Faulkner.

Who are Sabiha Guzel's peers at other companies?

Sabiha Guzel's peers at other companies are Marion Nasso, Eric Plancat, Erin Palomba, Rotelio Ouano, Frederick Hearn, and Ralph Ebra. and Christelle Garcia. Sabiha Guzel's peers at other companies are Marion Nasso, Eric Plancat, Erin Palomba, Rotelio Ouano, Frederick Hearn, and Ralph Ebra. and Christelle Garcia.