Ryan Courmier

Ryan Courmier Email and Phone Number

Nurse Assistant @ Childrens Clinic Of Swla Apmc
lake charles, louisiana, united states

Ryan Courmier's Current Company Details


Childrens Clinic Of Swla Apmc

Nurse Assistant
lake charles, louisiana, united states
Medical Practice
Hello. My name is Ryan Courmier and I am currently a Sophmore BSN student nurse at MSU. I believe I have found my nursing calling by working with kids. I would love to work at Texas Children's Hospital one day and specialize in pediatric cardiology. My long term goal is to obtain my EdD. I would then like to teach student nurses in their pediatric course and clinical.

Ryan Courmier Work Experience

  • ccswla.com
    Dons Car Wash Feb 16 - Jul 16 · 5 mos
    Monroe, Michigan, United States
    Responsibilities included assisting customers, changing chemicals, cleaning, and loading cars into the wash bay.
  • ccswla.com
    Sonic Drive-In May 15 - Nov 15 · 6 mos
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
    Responsibilities included taking customers order, fixing drinks, fixing ice cream treats, and providing fast friendly service.
  • ccswla.com
    Nurse Assistant
    Childrens Clinic Of Swla Apmc Aug 16 - Present · 8 yrs 6 mos
    Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

Ryan Courmier Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ryan Courmier

What company does Ryan Courmier work for?

Ryan Courmier works for Childrens Clinic Of Swla Apmc

What is Ryan Courmier's role in his/her workplace?

Ryan Courmier's role in his/her workplace is Nurse Assistant.

Which industry does Ryan Courmier work in currently?

Ryan Courmier works in the industry Medical Practice.

What schools did Ryan Courmier attend?

Ryan Courmier attended Mcneese State University.

What is Ryan Courmier's role in his workplace?

Ryan Courmier has skills like Communication, Easily Adaptable, Compassion, Critical Thinking, Time Management, and Self Confidence.

Who are Ryan Courmier's colleagues?

Ryan Courmier's colleagues are and Taylor Andrepont. and Kristi Trahan.

Who are Ryan Courmier's peers at other companies?

Ryan Courmier's peers at other companies are Krista Steele, Lucineide Da Silva, Noelle Abouelmakarem, Antoinette Marshall, Andrea Koutsogiannakis, and Juan Inukai. and Stephanie Levine. Ryan Courmier's peers at other companies are Krista Steele, Lucineide Da Silva, Noelle Abouelmakarem, Antoinette Marshall, Andrea Koutsogiannakis, and Juan Inukai. and Stephanie Levine.