Rupali Mahajan

Rupali Mahajan Email and Phone Number

Executive Application Support @ Nelito Systems Ltd
bombay, maharashtra, india

Rupali Mahajan's Contact Details

Rupali Mahajan work email

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Rupali Mahajan's Current Company Details

Nelito Systems Ltd

Executive Application Support
bombay, maharashtra, india
Information Technology And Services
Currently I am working in Machintel Company as Data Analyst

Rupali Mahajan Work Experience

Rupali Mahajan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rupali Mahajan

What company does Rupali Mahajan work for?

Rupali Mahajan works for Nelito Systems Ltd

What is Rupali Mahajan's role in his/her workplace?

Rupali Mahajan's role in his/her workplace is Executive Application Support.

Which industry does Rupali Mahajan work in currently?

Rupali Mahajan works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Rupali Mahajan's email address?

Rupali Mahajan's email address is

What schools did Rupali Mahajan attend?

Rupali Mahajan attended University Institute Of Chemical Technology (Formerly Udct).

What is Rupali Mahajan's role in his workplace?

Rupali Mahajan has skills like Data Analysis, Market Research, Reserach Skill, Computer Hardware, and Data Mining.

Who are Rupali Mahajan's colleagues?

Rupali Mahajan's colleagues are Vishakha Bhortake, Vishakha Bhortake, Unnikrishnan Thilakan, Unnikrishnan Thilakan, Nandlal Chauhan, Nandlal Chauhan, Nitin Parashar, Nitin Parashar, Yogesh Mourya, Yogesh Mourya, and Srinivas Kunapareddy. and Sudeesh Pk.

Who are Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies?

Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies are Björkvall Yngve, Dinesh Nt, Jyrki Martti, Sandro Shoji, Kristian Petersen, and Joanne Chung. and Olivia Hutt. Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies are Björkvall Yngve, Dinesh Nt, Jyrki Martti, Sandro Shoji, Kristian Petersen, and Joanne Chung. and Olivia Hutt.