Ruffie Khoo

Ruffie Khoo Email and Phone Number

Personal Assistant @ Weber Shandwick
new york, new york, united states

Ruffie Khoo's Contact Details

Ruffie Khoo work email

Ruffie Khoo personal email

Ruffie Khoo's Current Company Details

Weber Shandwick

Personal Assistant
new york, new york, united states
Public Relations And Communications

Ruffie Khoo Work Experience

    Personal Assistant
    Weber Shandwick 1996 - Present · 29 yrs 1 mo
    New York, New York, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ruffie Khoo

What company does Ruffie Khoo work for?

Ruffie Khoo works for Weber Shandwick

What is Ruffie Khoo's role in his/her workplace?

Ruffie Khoo's role in his/her workplace is Personal Assistant.

Which industry does Ruffie Khoo work in currently?

Ruffie Khoo works in the industry Public Relations And Communications.

What is Ruffie Khoo's email address?

Ruffie Khoo's email address is

Who are Ruffie Khoo's colleagues?

Ruffie Khoo's colleagues are Lisa Webber, Lisa Webber, Noémie Lévesque, Noémie Lévesque, Miriam Gutiérrez, Miriam Gutiérrez, Emanuel Rilling, Emanuel Rilling, Anna Kinder, Anna Kinder, and Jaroslav Ostrčilík. and Tasneem Savliwala.

Who are Ruffie Khoo's peers at other companies?

Ruffie Khoo's peers at other companies are Renan Vieira, Enzo Floris, Sarah Wardle, Geraldo Dainezi, Netia Banks-Larry, and Bambang Sutopo. and Lauren Albrecht. Ruffie Khoo's peers at other companies are Renan Vieira, Enzo Floris, Sarah Wardle, Geraldo Dainezi, Netia Banks-Larry, and Bambang Sutopo. and Lauren Albrecht.