Roshandas Roshandasdas

Roshandas Roshandasdas Email and Phone Number

Store Keeper @ Kharafi National
new cairo, cairo, egypt

Roshandas Roshandasdas's Current Company Details

Kharafi National

Store Keeper
new cairo, cairo, egypt

Roshandas Roshandasdas Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Roshandas Roshandasdas

What company does Roshandas Roshandasdas work for?

Roshandas Roshandasdas works for Kharafi National

What is Roshandas Roshandasdas's role in his/her workplace?

Roshandas Roshandasdas's role in his/her workplace is Store Keeper.

Which industry does Roshandas Roshandasdas work in currently?

Roshandas Roshandasdas works in the industry Construction.

Who are Roshandas Roshandasdas's colleagues?

Roshandas Roshandasdas's colleagues are Prabhahar Thiyagaraja, Prabhahar Thiyagaraja, Manu Mohan, Manu Mohan, Raef Awadalla, Raef Awadalla, Reggienal Fandialan, Reggienal Fandialan, Alex Princelee, Alex Princelee, and Ramesh Chinnaiyan. and Sunny Vridhan.

Who are Roshandas Roshandasdas's peers at other companies?

Roshandas Roshandasdas's peers at other companies are Matt Mcdougal, Daniel Okun, Paul Pope, Sahithya Balichetty, Chiragkumar Chaudhari, and Jake Feirro. and Cédric Queval. Roshandas Roshandasdas's peers at other companies are Matt Mcdougal, Daniel Okun, Paul Pope, Sahithya Balichetty, Chiragkumar Chaudhari, and Jake Feirro. and Cédric Queval.