Rose Walters

Rose Walters Email and Phone Number

Boca Raton Community High School @ George Snow Scholarship Fund
boca raton, florida, united states

Rose Walters's Current Company Details

George Snow Scholarship Fund

Boca Raton Community High School
boca raton, florida, united states
I am a Presidential Scholar at Florida State University majoring in International Affairs with a Concentration in Economics and Chinese with a Concentration in Business.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rose Walters

What company does Rose Walters work for?

Rose Walters works for George Snow Scholarship Fund

What is Rose Walters's role in his/her workplace?

Rose Walters's role in his/her workplace is Boca Raton Community High School.

Which industry does Rose Walters work in currently?

Rose Walters works in the industry Fund-Raising.

What schools did Rose Walters attend?

Rose Walters attended Florida State University, Florida State University. and Boca Raton Community High School.

Who are Rose Walters's colleagues?

Rose Walters's colleagues are

Who are Rose Walters's peers at other companies?

Rose Walters's peers at other companies are Bethelhem Solomon, Laurie Melchers, Tiina Elonen, Sue Wymer, Marium Khan, and Ali Amrollahy. and Raul Carazas. Rose Walters's peers at other companies are Bethelhem Solomon, Laurie Melchers, Tiina Elonen, Sue Wymer, Marium Khan, and Ali Amrollahy. and Raul Carazas.