Rose Gillooly

Rose Gillooly Email and Phone Number

Reading Specialist @ Barrington Public Schools
barrington, rhode island, united states

Rose Gillooly's Contact Information

Rose Gillooly's Current Company Details

Barrington Public Schools

Reading Specialist
barrington, rhode island, united states
Primary/secondary Education

Rose Gillooly Work Experience

    Reading Specialist
    Barrington, Rhode Island, United States
    Reading Specialist
    Barrington Public

Rose Gillooly Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rose Gillooly

What company does Rose Gillooly work for?

Rose Gillooly works for Barrington Public Schools

What is Rose Gillooly's role in his/her workplace?

Rose Gillooly's role in his/her workplace is Reading Specialist.

Which industry does Rose Gillooly work in currently?

Rose Gillooly works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Rose Gillooly's email address?

Rose Gillooly's email address is

What is Rose Gillooly's direct phone number?

Rose Gillooly's direct phone number is +14014870126

What schools did Rose Gillooly attend?

Rose Gillooly attended Providence College, Providence College. and University Of Rhode Island.

Who are Rose Gillooly's colleagues?

Rose Gillooly's colleagues are Jacqueline Fournier, Jacqueline Fournier, Jen Cocca, Jen Cocca, Terri Couto, Terri Couto, Paula Sigal, Paula Sigal, Jane Iodice, Jane Iodice, and Michael Topazio. and Joseph Hurley.

Who are Rose Gillooly's peers at other companies?

Rose Gillooly's peers at other companies are Yolynda Cooley, Christopher Mafinga, Ryun Miskus, María Lorenzo, Polly Alfonso, and Parera Ziengs. and Yolanda Herrera. Rose Gillooly's peers at other companies are Yolynda Cooley, Christopher Mafinga, Ryun Miskus, María Lorenzo, Polly Alfonso, and Parera Ziengs. and Yolanda Herrera.