Rosa Perkins

Rosa Perkins Email and Phone Number

Special Services Coordinator @ Ochsner Health System
new orleans, louisiana, united states

Rosa Perkins's Contact Information

Rosa Perkins work email

Rosa Perkins personal email

Rosa Perkins's Current Company Details

Ochsner Health System

Special Services Coordinator
new orleans, louisiana, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Rosa Perkins Work Experience

    Special Services Coordinator
    New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
    Ochsner Health System is Louisiana's largest non-profit, academic, healthcare system. Driven by a mission to Serve, Heal, Lead, Educate and Innovate, coordinated clinical and hospital patient care is provided across the region by Ochsner's 28 owned, managed and affiliated hospitals and more than 60 health centers. Ochsner is the only Louisiana hospital recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a "Best Hospital" across six specialty categories caring for patients from all 50 states and more than 99 countries worldwide each year. Ochsner employs more than 17,000 employees, over 1,000 physicians in over 90 medical specialties and subspecialties and conducts more than 900 clinical research studies.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rosa Perkins

What company does Rosa Perkins work for?

Rosa Perkins works for Ochsner Health System

What is Rosa Perkins's role in his/her workplace?

Rosa Perkins's role in his/her workplace is Special Services Coordinator.

Which industry does Rosa Perkins work in currently?

Rosa Perkins works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Rosa Perkins's email address?

Rosa Perkins's email address is

What is Rosa Perkins's direct phone number?

Rosa Perkins's direct phone number is +19857270445

What are some of Rosa Perkins's interests?

Rosa Perkins has interests in Kids, Kids. Cooking, Cooking. Electronics, Electronics. Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes. and Gourmet Cooking.

Who are Rosa Perkins's colleagues?

Rosa Perkins's colleagues are Kenberly Baughman, Kenberly Baughman, James Hemphill, James Hemphill, Duryodhan Chaulagain, Duryodhan Chaulagain, Kelly Foret, Kelly Foret, Sherry Ruth, Sherry Ruth, and Angela Bliss. and Mary-Kate Boh.

Who are Rosa Perkins's peers at other companies?

Rosa Perkins's peers at other companies are Darren Skinner, Erick Funte, Dave Brault, Lynnette Dowell, Ashley Schamberg, and Tia Correia. and Soye Bekeangama. Rosa Perkins's peers at other companies are Darren Skinner, Erick Funte, Dave Brault, Lynnette Dowell, Ashley Schamberg, and Tia Correia. and Soye Bekeangama.