Roopkishor Sharma

Roopkishor Sharma Email and Phone Number

Civil Engineering Professional @ Iti Limited
bangalore, karnataka, india

Roopkishor Sharma's Current Company Details

Iti Limited

Civil Engineering Professional
bangalore, karnataka, india

Roopkishor Sharma Work Experience

    Civil Engineering Professional
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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Frequently Asked Questions about Roopkishor Sharma

What company does Roopkishor Sharma work for?

Roopkishor Sharma works for Iti Limited

What is Roopkishor Sharma's role in his/her workplace?

Roopkishor Sharma's role in his/her workplace is Civil Engineering Professional.

Which industry does Roopkishor Sharma work in currently?

Roopkishor Sharma works in the industry Telecommunications.

Who are Roopkishor Sharma's colleagues?

Roopkishor Sharma's colleagues are Asis Saha, Asis Saha, Dharavath Bikshapathi, Dharavath Bikshapathi, Rishabh Paliya, Rishabh Paliya, Pradeep Gupta, Pradeep Gupta, P N Jha Tpa, P N Jha Tpa, and Sanjay Jain. and Arun Wunnava.

Who are Roopkishor Sharma's peers at other companies?

Roopkishor Sharma's peers at other companies are Hassan Cabarles, Candace Lawrence, Isteyaque Ahmad, Nihal S, Florian Loison, and Mara Batista. and Karina Carrere. Roopkishor Sharma's peers at other companies are Hassan Cabarles, Candace Lawrence, Isteyaque Ahmad, Nihal S, Florian Loison, and Mara Batista. and Karina Carrere.