Rondine Osborne

Rondine Osborne Email and Phone Number

Xfinity Sales Professional @ Comcast Cable

Rondine Osborne's Contact Details

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Rondine Osborne's Current Company Details

Comcast Cable

Xfinity Sales Professional
I specialize in working with Fortune 500 Companies and Small Businesses to increase employee productivity and profitability through talent development solutions. At AMA we focus more on training soft skills, such as, communication, leadership, project management things of that nature.

Rondine Osborne Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rondine Osborne

What company does Rondine Osborne work for?

Rondine Osborne works for Comcast Cable

What is Rondine Osborne's role in his/her workplace?

Rondine Osborne's role in his/her workplace is Xfinity Sales Professional.

Which industry does Rondine Osborne work in currently?

Rondine Osborne works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Rondine Osborne's email address?

Rondine Osborne's email address is

Who are Rondine Osborne's peers at other companies?

Rondine Osborne's peers at other companies are Norbert Kreskay, James Harvison, Milos Lazarevic, Joan Rindfuss, Sergio Bueno, and Daniel Alonzo. and Nijat Sevishzada. Rondine Osborne's peers at other companies are Norbert Kreskay, James Harvison, Milos Lazarevic, Joan Rindfuss, Sergio Bueno, and Daniel Alonzo. and Nijat Sevishzada.