Romi Dhanjal

Romi Dhanjal Email and Phone Number

Office Manager @ Global Opportunities
delhi, delhi, india

Romi Dhanjal's Contact Information

Romi Dhanjal work email

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Romi Dhanjal's Current Company Details

Global Opportunities

Office Manager
delhi, delhi, india
Education Management

Romi Dhanjal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Romi Dhanjal

What company does Romi Dhanjal work for?

Romi Dhanjal works for Global Opportunities

What is Romi Dhanjal's role in his/her workplace?

Romi Dhanjal's role in his/her workplace is Office Manager.

Which industry does Romi Dhanjal work in currently?

Romi Dhanjal works in the industry Education Management.

What is Romi Dhanjal's email address?

Romi Dhanjal's email address is

Who are Romi Dhanjal's colleagues?

Romi Dhanjal's colleagues are Rishabh Sarin, Rishabh Sarin, Anusha Chandi, Anusha Chandi, Dimple Arora, Dimple Arora, Jyoti Bhalla, Jyoti Bhalla, Ripudaman Singh, Ripudaman Singh, and Rajalakshmi B. and Roji Shrestha.

Who are Romi Dhanjal's peers at other companies?

Romi Dhanjal's peers at other companies are Aurora Jimenez, Rainy Kining, Nancy Sherman, Joe Sageman, Pardeep Kumar, and Rhonda Helina. and Deana Gibson. Romi Dhanjal's peers at other companies are Aurora Jimenez, Rainy Kining, Nancy Sherman, Joe Sageman, Pardeep Kumar, and Rhonda Helina. and Deana Gibson.