Rohit Gohil

Rohit Gohil Email and Phone Number

bombay, maharashtra, india

Rohit Gohil's Current Company Details

State Street Syntel Services Private Limited (Financial Kpo)

Senior Associate
bombay, maharashtra, india
Financial Services

Rohit Gohil Work Experience

  • Accounts Executive
    S.K Distributors Jul 17 - May 19 · 1 yr 10 mos
    * 1 * Working with Tally ERP9, Sales & Distribution software and Microsoft Office document 2013 * 2 * Purchases & Sales Booking through Tally ERP9 * 3 * GST and TDS Working & payment for the same on monthly basis * 4 * GST Return filling * 5 * Preparing and analyzing of Profit & Loss account * 6 * Follow-up with outstanding of Debtor & Creditors * 7 * Handle all the Payments of Creditors and Others (Transporter, Courier, etc.) through internet * banking viz NEFT, RTGS, Inter banking Transfer, etc. * 8 * Follow -up & making Credit Note entry in the Tally ERP9 & Adjustment
  • Senior Associate
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    * Currently Working in USA Corporate Action. * Bloomberg Researching * Corporate Actions events validation * Trade Settlement * Cash Reconciliation * Processing Corporate Action Events * Resolving Client Queries via Email * MIS Data Formatting * Handling Team Queries * Auditing, Full Call, Partial Call Events and Event Auditing

Rohit Gohil Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rohit Gohil

What company does Rohit Gohil work for?

Rohit Gohil works for State Street Syntel Services Private Limited (Financial Kpo)

What is Rohit Gohil's role in his/her workplace?

Rohit Gohil's role in his/her workplace is Senior Associate.

Which industry does Rohit Gohil work in currently?

Rohit Gohil works in the industry Financial Services.

What schools did Rohit Gohil attend?

Rohit Gohil attended University Of Mumbai.

Who are Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies?

Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies are Daniel Szalay, Lara Cummings, Cynthia Carden, Bernadette Dimal, Caroline Christensen, and Biana Parker. and Jon Sycamore. Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies are Daniel Szalay, Lara Cummings, Cynthia Carden, Bernadette Dimal, Caroline Christensen, and Biana Parker. and Jon Sycamore.