Roger Neale

Roger Neale Email and Phone Number

dorset, dorset, united kingdom

Roger Neale's Current Company Details

Towngate Personnel

dorset, dorset, united kingdom

Roger Neale Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Roger Neale

What company does Roger Neale work for?

Roger Neale works for Towngate Personnel

What is Roger Neale's role in his/her workplace?

Roger Neale's role in his/her workplace is Chef.

Which industry does Roger Neale work in currently?

Roger Neale works in the industry Hospitality.

Who are Roger Neale's colleagues?

Roger Neale's colleagues are Gary Johns, Gary Johns, Jade-Lee Legg, Jade-Lee Legg, Jemma Porter, Jemma Porter, Paul Baldock, Paul Baldock, Mary Diver, Mary Diver, and Amber Aitken. and Barry Chaplow.

Who are Roger Neale's peers at other companies?

Roger Neale's peers at other companies are Omar Elkahla, Yvon Roy, Justin Davis, Vijay Chauhan, Jacob Barrett, and Sébastien Stéphan. and Steven Wormack. Roger Neale's peers at other companies are Omar Elkahla, Yvon Roy, Justin Davis, Vijay Chauhan, Jacob Barrett, and Sébastien Stéphan. and Steven Wormack.