Rochelle Paton

Rochelle Paton Email and Phone Number

Hseq Advisor @ Kn Group
clondalkin, leinster, ireland

Rochelle Paton's Current Company Details

Kn Group

Hseq Advisor
clondalkin, leinster, ireland
Achieved NEBOSH General Certificate in occupational health and safety. Experienced in Health,Safety, Environment and Quality with a demonstrated history of working in the mechanical, electrical and civil engineering industry and in the NHS. Skilled in Health and Safety, Quality management, Mental health and well-being. AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word

Rochelle Paton Work Experience

Rochelle Paton Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rochelle Paton

What company does Rochelle Paton work for?

Rochelle Paton works for Kn Group

What is Rochelle Paton's role in his/her workplace?

Rochelle Paton's role in his/her workplace is Hseq Advisor.

Which industry does Rochelle Paton work in currently?

Rochelle Paton works in the industry Utilities.

What schools did Rochelle Paton attend?

Rochelle Paton attended Andrews Academy.

Who are Rochelle Paton's colleagues?

Rochelle Paton's colleagues are Jody Wilden, Jody Wilden, Minh Duong, Minh Duong, Mark Williams, Mark Williams, Keila Navarro, Keila Navarro, Clive Dalton, Clive Dalton, and Iulian Purcaru. and Gary Marshall.

Who are Rochelle Paton's peers at other companies?

Rochelle Paton's peers at other companies are Nicole Weisheim, Nitin Kale, Cornelia Reuter, Bert Back, Brett Holdsworth, and Kay Wright. and Ash Vekaria. Rochelle Paton's peers at other companies are Nicole Weisheim, Nitin Kale, Cornelia Reuter, Bert Back, Brett Holdsworth, and Kay Wright. and Ash Vekaria.