Rob Merritt

Rob Merritt Email and Phone Number

Chief Executive Officer @ Orian Rugs
anderson, south carolina, united states

Rob Merritt's Current Company Details

Orian Rugs

Chief Executive Officer
anderson, south carolina, united states
Previously a general manager for automotive manufacturer, entrepreneur - sold company. Turn-around CEO, sold company within 2.5 years from bankruptcy. Currently CEO for large manufacturing company in Southeast responsible for North America. Board experience. Focused on people and culture, which leads to productivity and profitability. Passionate. Driven. Efficient and productive leader that pushes people to meet their goals. Licensed as a CPA - I understand financials very well.

Rob Merritt Work Experience

    Chief Executive Officer
    Group Of Patriots End date missing
    Chief Executive Officer
    Orian Rugs Jan 17 - Present · 8 yrs
    Anderson, South Carolina, United States
    Diversified company. Grew both top line and margins. Rebranded company and reduced employee turnover from 32% to 4%. Responsible for sales, product development and marketing, e-commerce, IT, manufacturing, shipping, customer service, quality control, safety, VAVE, human resources, finance, and corporate governance. Member of board of directors and responsible for USA and Canada operations.

Rob Merritt Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rob Merritt

What company does Rob Merritt work for?

Rob Merritt works for Orian Rugs

What is Rob Merritt's role in his/her workplace?

Rob Merritt's role in his/her workplace is Chief Executive Officer.

Which industry does Rob Merritt work in currently?

Rob Merritt works in the industry Textiles.

What is Rob Merritt's email address?

Rob Merritt's email address is

What schools did Rob Merritt attend?

Rob Merritt attended Clemson University.

Who are Rob Merritt's colleagues?

Rob Merritt's colleagues are Kevin Tisdel, Kevin Tisdel, Julie Shankle, Julie Shankle, Lauren Sanchez, Lauren Sanchez, Cheryl Snyder, Cheryl Snyder, Kathy Cox, Kathy Cox, and Joseph Ezeard. and Ralph Costanzo.

Who are Rob Merritt's peers at other companies?

Rob Merritt's peers at other companies are Stephanie Guerra, Nicky Sutch, Katie Sweeney, Mohammad Rahman, Anand Jaiswal, and Paulo Da Latinha. and Clémentine Blondeau. Rob Merritt's peers at other companies are Stephanie Guerra, Nicky Sutch, Katie Sweeney, Mohammad Rahman, Anand Jaiswal, and Paulo Da Latinha. and Clémentine Blondeau.