Ririn Lorenza

Ririn Lorenza Email and Phone Number

Staff @ Bank Mega
jakarta, jakarta raya, indonesia

Ririn Lorenza's Current Company Details


Bank Mega

jakarta, jakarta raya, indonesia

Ririn Lorenza Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Ririn Lorenza

What company does Ririn Lorenza work for?

Ririn Lorenza works for Bank Mega

What is Ririn Lorenza's role in his/her workplace?

Ririn Lorenza's role in his/her workplace is Staff.

Which industry does Ririn Lorenza work in currently?

Ririn Lorenza works in the industry Banking.

Who are Ririn Lorenza's colleagues?

Ririn Lorenza's colleagues are Kiki Pratama, Kiki Pratama, Irna Rahmawati, Irna Rahmawati, Bunga Lestari, Bunga Lestari, Wahdini Dini, Wahdini Dini, Dodi Kuncoro, Dodi Kuncoro, and Alika Putri. and Merry Sofianes.

Who are Ririn Lorenza's peers at other companies?

Ririn Lorenza's peers at other companies are Victoria Williams, John Mautz, Yolanda Parra, Pauline Hallée, Pamela Forero, and Christelle Laporte. and Muktiani Hutahayan. Ririn Lorenza's peers at other companies are Victoria Williams, John Mautz, Yolanda Parra, Pauline Hallée, Pamela Forero, and Christelle Laporte. and Muktiani Hutahayan.