Richard Milward

Richard Milward Email and Phone Number

Exhibits Technician @ Museum Of Life And Science
durham, north carolina, united states

Richard Milward's Contact Details

Richard Milward work email

Richard Milward personal email


Richard Milward phone numbers

Richard Milward's Current Company Details

Museum Of Life And Science

Exhibits Technician
durham, north carolina, united states
Museums And Institutions
exhibits technician at Museum of Life and Science

Richard Milward Work Experience

    Rack Integration Specialist
    Whitlock 2003 - 2007 · 4 yrs
    Richmond, Virginia, United States
    Mount and interconnect audio-visual system components into rack cabinets, working from block diagrams provided by engineering department, for customer site installation.
    Computer Support
    University Of North Carolina 1988 - 2001 · 13 yrs
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
    Started by doing computer networking design and support for numerous departments and offices on campus. Later did general computer support work through the help desk.
    Service Coordinator
    Whitlock 2007 - 2009 · 2 yrs
    Richmond, Virginia, United States
    Assign field technicians to handle customer requests for service to Whitlock-installed systems.
    Nova Assembly Language Programmer
    Comptek Research 1969 - 1971 · 2 yrs
    Hampton, Virginia, United States
    Wrote assembly language routines for an in-house developed operating system for the Data General NOVA computer. Optimized software emulating a stack machine architecture.
    Exhibits Technician
    Museum Of Life And Science Sep 09 - Present · 15 yrs 5 mos
    Durham, North Carolina, United States
    The Museum of Life and Science is one of North Carolina's top attractions. Situated on 84-acres, our interactive science park includes a science center, a butterfly conservatory which is one of the largest in the world and beautifully-landscaped outdoor exhibits which are safe havens for rescued black bears, lemurs, and endangered red wolves. Our mission is to create a place of lifelong learning where people, from young child to senior citizen, embrace science as a way of knowing about themselves, their community, and their world.

Richard Milward Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Richard Milward

What company does Richard Milward work for?

Richard Milward works for Museum Of Life And Science

What is Richard Milward's role in his/her workplace?

Richard Milward's role in his/her workplace is Exhibits Technician.

Which industry does Richard Milward work in currently?

Richard Milward works in the industry Museums And Institutions.

What is Richard Milward's email address?

Richard Milward's email address is

What is Richard Milward's direct phone number?

Richard Milward's direct phone number is +19192208708

What schools did Richard Milward attend?

Richard Milward attended Bishop Turner High School, Buffalo, Ny, Bishop Turner High School, Buffalo, Ny. Durham Technical Community College, Durham Technical Community College. and Hudson Valley Community College.

Who are Richard Milward's colleagues?

Richard Milward's colleagues are Monte Siler, Monte Siler, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Christian Britt, Christian Britt, Rachel Ripps, Rachel Ripps, Jeanne Lawson, Jeanne Lawson, and Barry Vandeman. and Erika Anthony.

Who are Richard Milward's peers at other companies?

Richard Milward's peers at other companies are Jennie Chandler, Kate Moomaw, Hillary Hahn, Ivy Silver, Danwei Wang, and Irma De Bruijne. and Helle Kristensen. Richard Milward's peers at other companies are Jennie Chandler, Kate Moomaw, Hillary Hahn, Ivy Silver, Danwei Wang, and Irma De Bruijne. and Helle Kristensen.