Richard Mathew

Richard Mathew Email and Phone Number

Senior Human Resources Manager @ Sridevi Tool Engineers Pvt Ltd
vasai, maharashtra, india

Richard Mathew's Current Company Details

Sridevi Tool Engineers Pvt Ltd

Senior Human Resources Manager
vasai, maharashtra, india
Industrial Automation

Richard Mathew Work Experience

    Human Resources
    Vasai, Maharashtra, India
    HR Operations/ Training/ Talent acquisition/ performance management/ Grievance handling/ Employee relation, Engaggment activities...
    Senior Human Resources Manager
    Sridevi Tool Engineers Pvt Ltd Jun 18 - Present · 6 yrs 8 mos
    Vasai, Maharashtra, India

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Frequently Asked Questions about Richard Mathew

What company does Richard Mathew work for?

Richard Mathew works for Sridevi Tool Engineers Pvt Ltd

What is Richard Mathew's role in his/her workplace?

Richard Mathew's role in his/her workplace is Senior Human Resources Manager.

Which industry does Richard Mathew work in currently?

Richard Mathew works in the industry Industrial Automation.

What is Richard Mathew's role in his workplace?

Richard Mathew has skills like Employee Relations, Recruiting, Performance Appraisal, Team Management, Mis, Hr Policies, Training, and Human Resources.

Who are Richard Mathew's colleagues?

Richard Mathew's colleagues are Prashant Gharat, Prashant Gharat, Suranjit Singh, Suranjit Singh, Sachin Vellanal, Sachin Vellanal, Abhishek Pande, Abhishek Pande, Divyesh Kadu, Divyesh Kadu, and Ramesh Yadav. and Sandeep Jha.

Who are Richard Mathew's peers at other companies?

Richard Mathew's peers at other companies are Michael Perkins, Gregory Johnson, Gary Elrod, Mike Mcdonald, Damian Turnbull, and William Wiewandt. and David Lanza. Richard Mathew's peers at other companies are Michael Perkins, Gregory Johnson, Gary Elrod, Mike Mcdonald, Damian Turnbull, and William Wiewandt. and David Lanza.