Rich Petrick

Rich Petrick Email and Phone Number

Vice Chancellor For Finance @ Ohio Department Of Higher Education
columbus, ohio, united states

Rich Petrick's Contact Details

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Rich Petrick's Current Company Details

Ohio Department Of Higher Education

Vice Chancellor For Finance
columbus, ohio, united states
Government Administration

Rich Petrick Work Experience

    Vice Chancellor For Finance
    Columbus, Ohio, United States
    Vice Chancellor For Finance
    State Of Ohio End date missing
    United States
    Ohio's state government contains three branches elected by Ohio voters. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch administers laws and the judicial branch interprets and enforces laws.The legislative branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, collectively called the General Assembly. The executive branch includes the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Auditor of State, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, State Board of Education, the governor's cabinet, and boards and commissions whose members are appointed by the governor. Ohio's judicial branch of government is comprised of the Supreme Court of Ohio and lower courts that all perform judicial functions for the people of Ohio.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rich Petrick

What company does Rich Petrick work for?

Rich Petrick works for Ohio Department Of Higher Education

What is Rich Petrick's role in his/her workplace?

Rich Petrick's role in his/her workplace is Vice Chancellor For Finance.

Which industry does Rich Petrick work in currently?

Rich Petrick works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Rich Petrick's email address?

Rich Petrick's email address is

Who are Rich Petrick's colleagues?

Rich Petrick's colleagues are Carlos Bing, Carlos Bing, Michelle Blaney, Michelle Blaney, Patty Klein, Patty Klein, Nicholas Derksen, Nicholas Derksen, Bill Russell, Bill Russell, and Verda Mccoy. and Candice Grant.

Who are Rich Petrick's peers at other companies?

Rich Petrick's peers at other companies are Dick Banowetz, Belinda Tricker, Gilles Garrouste, Beatriz Craviotto, Shantie Chikoe, and Lydia Sparla. and Ralph Obert. Rich Petrick's peers at other companies are Dick Banowetz, Belinda Tricker, Gilles Garrouste, Beatriz Craviotto, Shantie Chikoe, and Lydia Sparla. and Ralph Obert.