Ricardo Agapito

Ricardo Agapito Email and Phone Number

Tfa In Electrical, Mechanical And Installations @ Siemens Gamesa
madrid, madrid, spain

Ricardo Agapito's Current Company Details


Siemens Gamesa

Tfa In Electrical, Mechanical And Installations
madrid, madrid, spain
Renewables & Environment

Ricardo Agapito Work Experience

  • siemensgamesa.com
    Tfa In Electrical, Mechanical And Installations
    Siemens Gamesa Mar 14 - Present · 10 yrs 11 mos

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ricardo Agapito

What company does Ricardo Agapito work for?

Ricardo Agapito works for Siemens Gamesa

What is Ricardo Agapito's role in his/her workplace?

Ricardo Agapito's role in his/her workplace is Tfa In Electrical, Mechanical And Installations.

Which industry does Ricardo Agapito work in currently?

Ricardo Agapito works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

Who are Ricardo Agapito's colleagues?

Ricardo Agapito's colleagues are Ieltxu Osinaga, Ieltxu Osinaga, Yangyang Wu, Yangyang Wu, Jørn Schack, Jørn Schack, Yugendiraraj P, Yugendiraraj P, José Trevizoli, José Trevizoli, and Mateusz Miszka. and Roberto Ramirez.

Who are Ricardo Agapito's peers at other companies?

Ricardo Agapito's peers at other companies are Ivan Reis, Erica Huerta, Jakub Kowalski, Rafal Bernacki, Christophe Lecocq, and Rafael Villardon. and Cdah Othman. Ricardo Agapito's peers at other companies are Ivan Reis, Erica Huerta, Jakub Kowalski, Rafal Bernacki, Christophe Lecocq, and Rafael Villardon. and Cdah Othman.